About Us

lucidinterval.org is a personal website on bipolar disorder written and maintained by Peter Newman. I have over 40 years experience managing my own bipolar disorder (type I) also known as manic depression. I have the classic, acute, form of the disorder: intense episodes of mania, intense episodes of depression, with fairly long lucid intervals in between. From a combination of preventative medication, learning how to detect episodes early, and plain good fortune, my last serious episode was over twenty years ago. I hope you are able to bring this beast under control more quickly than I was.

While I am an expert on my own experience I am no expert on the disorder in general. For an authoritative discussion of the illness I recommend the following books or online guides.

About the Author
Peter Newman was born and raised in Birmingham, UK. He studied engineering and got himself a nice quiet telecomms job in London. During a particularly acute manic episode he applied to Cambridge to do a PhD and was rather surprised to find himself accepted. He moved to Silicon Valley, California, to make a modest contribution to the growth of the Internet (mostly by investigating techniques that didn't work, thus saving others the bother). He is now rather lost and wondering what to do next. Suggestions please by email to: webmaster@lucidinterval.org.

For Elizabeth:
Who put me back
On the straight and narrow,
So well, and so often,
And who taught me to keep my balance.
To My Parents:
For always being there.